The strangest thing about Recess is that it's Sonny Moore's first album proper as Skrillex. The dude seems to have been around forever, carving out a block-busting, arena-filling, genre-defining career, yet only now is he releasing a full-length album. Recess turns out not to be quite the relentless assault on eardrums and musical sensibilities that Moore's dancecard to date might suggest, but there's still much evidence of sticking to a formula simply because it has worked in the past. Occasionally there's more than the boorish barrage of supersized bass drops and cartoon squelches, such as the clean, surprisingly subtle house lines of Fire Away. Still, for the most part, Moore sticks to what he knows best and dives again and again into the EDM box of toys. As he makes clear on the opening track, all's fair in love and brostep.
Download: Fire Away
Skrillex: Recess