Shit Robot: What Follows album review - dark, pulsating, supercharged

What Follows
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Artist: Shit Robot
Genre: Electronic
Label: DFA

As Marcus Lambkin explained to us recently, the aim behind his third album was to ensure it was nothing like his second.

The Dubliner was unhappy with the lack of direction on 2014's We Got A Love, so What Follows plays to his strengths as a producer and DJ. It's an album of dark, pulsating, intriguing and super-charged electronic music, with Lambkin's fondness for synths and drum machines leading the way.

There are some exquisite touches from his cast of guest vocalists: Hot Chip's Alexis Taylor is outstanding on End of the Trail, and LCD Soundsystem's Nancy Whang superbly draws out the emotional essence of Lose Control.

But it's Lambkin's unerring ear for how to turn a groove into a lush, hypnotic, techno monster on Ten Miles High and Is There No End which really makes this an album to revel in.