This is an apt title: Shane McAleer has been too long absent from the recording studios: as Dervish's first fiddler he forged his reputation more than a decade and a half ago. This spare, spacious recording shows him in fine form, closely tethered to the roots of the tradition of his native Tyrone. His fluid, unforced bowing and throaty, full-bodied tone find full expression on a rich mix of tunes. McAleer contributes two of his own fine compositions, a bare-boned and stately slow air, Dunluce Castle and a louche and languorous reel, The Camowen. While Eamon McElholm's guitar accompaniment at times errs on the side of predictability, McAleer's fiddling speaks of a musician at one with the music, in no rush to prove anything to anyone. An unhurried, unfussy return that promises even more grace(ful) notes in a live setting.
Download: Dunluce Castle, A Íosa, Mhic Mhuire
Shane McAleer: Long Time No See