Public Service Broadcasting: Inform - Educate - Entertain

Inform - Educate - Entertain
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Artist: Public Service Broadcasting
Genre: Alternative
Label: Test Card Recordings

London-based duo J Willgoose and Wrigglesworth have chanced upon a nifty little format that requires lots of research in dusty archive rooms. Using samples from old public information films, long-shelved propaganda material and other assorted stock (culled in the main from the much-admired Prelinger Archives), PBS take off from where the likes of Lemon Jelly (remember them?) stopped. If at times Inform – Educate – Entertain drifts into dreaded War of the Worlds territory, it's only for moments; mostly, this is superbly realised, left-of-centre work in which the archive material is underpinned by music that ranges from Mogwai-style wig-out post-rock riffola, to more subtle treatments that occasionally reference the Penguin Cafe Orchestra. Influences and inspirations notwithstanding, however, PBS steer a straight-enough course – odd enough not to be played on daytime radio, yet wholly accessible enough to wonder why ever not.
Download: Spitfire, Theme from PSB

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture