Paloma Faith looks the part, there are no question marks over her vocal ability, and she has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the business. Why then does her recorded material sound so flat? On her third album, the Londoner may have coated her "jazz vamp" essence in a US-targeted sheen, but ultimately it's as underwhelming as its predecessors. Can't Rely On You , her collaboration with Pharrell Williams, is a slick combo of brass and Williams's trademark beats, but it could be anybody singing the hook. Her co-write with John Legend ( Take Me ) is an improvement, while Ben Drew/Plan B adds a touch of much-needed menace on the finger-snapping Other Woman. Still, there's no avoiding the feeling that for all of Faith's sassy style, her albums strangely lack soul.
Download: Tak'e Me, Trouble With My Baby
Paloma Faith: A Perfect Contradiction