Paddy Hanna: Leafy Stiletto

Leafy Stiletto
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Artist: Paddy Hanna
Genre: Alternative
Label: Popical Island

He's the frontman of Grand Pocket Orchestra, but Paddy Hanna's solo debut isn't quite as obtusely off-the-wall as those lovable oddballs. Instead, the young Dubliner has crafted a brilliantly resourceful, warm and well-structured collection of neat indiepop tunes. Stylistic touchpoints include a coarsened Belle & Sebastian, particularly on the taut pop jangle of Mind's Wearing Make Up and Rattling Change. The spectre of Guided By Voices looms at several junctures as well, not least via Hanna's preference for brevity (most songs are under three minutes). Above all else, this is an album bursting at the seams with character, both lyrically ("Why does every small town have a weirdo in a yellow sports car?"), vocally (from high squawk to low rumble) and musically. An accomplished and inspiring debut.

Download: Mind's Wearing Make Up, On This Pier Too Long

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times