Such has been the velocity of London Grammar's rise that the band didn't even register on any of those Sound of 2013 surveys a few months ago. Their debut album is perfectly suited to these times – a collection of slow-motion reveals, translucent washes and ethereal vocal coos. The latter belong to Hannah Reid, and her vocals are probably the Nottingham University alumnus's strongest suit (she's one of the stars of Disclosure's recent Settle album). It's a remarkable instrument, capable of both kicking ass and soothing brows. The voice also deflects attention a little from the often unfinished and hurried nature of some of the songs, which are a little too similar to The xx in size and shape at times. That said, Strong and Hey Now are fully formed and effective, both belting their way out 'twixt muted guitarlines and sadcore atmospherics.
Download: Strong, Hey Now
London Grammar: If You Wait