Realising some of your faves didn't make this year's #ManBooker2015 longlist like
— I'veReadThat (@IveReadThat) July 29, 2015
'If *I* wrote a book, it would be a bestseller.' This was said to me with a straight face. #TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter
— Nuala O'Connor (@NualaNiC) July 28, 2015
Great choices on @GuardianBooks #NotTheBooker list: Catherine Lacey, Nell Zink Sara Baume Gavin Corbett, Sarah Taylor
— Sinéad Gleeson (@sineadgleeson) July 27, 2015

Love this. People of Southampton read Jane Austen in preparation for @SOToSpeak15 Southampton's festival of words
— Claire Fuller (@ClaireFuller2) July 28, 2015
Here is a new poem entitled "The Importance of the Oxford Comma".
— Brian Bilston (@brian_bilston) July 26, 2015
'Three grades of evil can be discerned in the queer world of verbal transmigration' – Nabokov on translation:
— Amy Herron (@MsAmyHerron) July 22, 2015
How to be a horse versus how to be a cow. You'll be much the wiser knowing this.
— Susie M(ais qui?) (@wrathofgod) July 19, 2015
The trailer for the film version of Colm Tóibín's 'Brooklyn' is out! #TransatlanticStudies
— Symbiosis Journal (@Symbiosis_TA) July 19, 2015
Every time I tweet nowadays I feel like a non-smoker who has relapsed and feels like shit for lining the pockets of the tobacco industry
— jon ronson (@jonronson) July 9, 2015