Kwamie Liv: not quite the new Lana del Ray | Electric Picnic

Kwamie delivers a set that’s minimalist in texture but smouldering in intent

“The new Lana del Rey!” cry the hype-mongers, as if it were a hole in our lives. These are probably the same people who invested funds on Kwamie Liv’s Massive Attack-esque light display we see at this early afternoon slot. Patience, my excitable friends.

Kwamie - aided in the background by her collaborator Baby Duka and a session drummer - delivers a set that’s minimalist in texture but smouldering in intent. It nearly excelled, but breaks in character (waving to friends in the audience, sharing one drink between the three of them) snap us back to reality: that we’re in a semi-filled tent of late-night vibes, listening to an act’s debut Irish performance, while the sun’s blazing outside. Not quite the coup we’d expected.

In three words: Maybe next time

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