Canadian violinist James Ehnes couples Khachaturian's cheer-fully garrulous 1940 Violin Concerto with two of Shostakovich's finest string quartets, both written in 1960s: the Seventh, dedicated to the memory of his first wife, Nina; and the Eighth, written "In memory of the victims of fascism and war". Khachaturian knew how to write good tunes and seductive harmonies, and he spiced his work with folksy touches. The Violin Concerto is unduly repetitive, and Ehnes works hard to make each moment seem fresh. His quartet's playing is polished, the Eighth Quartet not always finding the right bleak resignation. The cryptic Seventh is much more successful.
Khachaturian: Violin Concerto; Shostakovich: String Quartets 7 & 8