John Grant enchants with a little help from his friend

Sinead O’Connor’s appearance couldn’t steal thunder of Colorado man

Stars ****

This was the festival slot that John Grant was born to play: Saturday night, deep and dirty, slick and sexy with songs that are as propulsive as they are personal. A setlist drawn from both solo albums – intimate ode to heartbreak Queen of Denmark and dancefloor elegy for the eternal outsider, Pale Green Ghosts - made for a gig that thrummed and throbbed in all the right places. Marz, Vietnam and Blackbelt all landed with a fizzing thud, and friend and admirer Sinead O'Connor even made an appearance for several songs including the achingly beautiful Glacier. Still, even the waifish singer couldn't steal the thunder of the Colorado man and his excellent backing band. It wasn't near long enough, but most great things aren't. Outstanding.

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times