Jochen Rueckert: We Make The Rules

We Make The Rules
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Artist: Jochen Rueckert
Genre: Jazz
Label: Whirlwind

German drummer Jochen Rueckert is one of the leaders of the musical immigré community that constitutes a substantial minority in the New York borough of Brooklyn. His current group draws on that community, with New Zealander Matt Penman on bass and Swedish guitarist Lage Lund, two of New York's most in-demand musicians, but it's a native that steals the show here. A lot of music has flowed through the saxophone over the past century, but Mark Turner makes it sound fresh every time he breathes. Put him with a group of this calibre and you get a fluid, open-minded, post-bop record that is pretty much state of the art as far as contemporary improvised music is concerned.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director