It's always interesting when artists find the right mood music. When you hear Lauren Henson's Solo Dancing, you get a track that has the chill factor of one of those Scandinavian TV dramas married to some noirish, emo-electro pulses which twist and turn in all the right – and wrong – ways. The problem for Henson is that No Romeo is a square peg in a round hole, a pop album which is far too smart, intriguing and wonky to fit in the genre's often surprisingly narrow confines. Those who'll find their way to the Nottingham singer's work, though, will luxuriate in tracks which are packed with allure and intrigue, such as Jack. Henson's voice has a Lykke Li lilt and a splash of Beth Gibbons, but it's how it works with tracks that are most definitely not the sum of their parts that makes No Romeo worth getting close to.
Indiana: No Romeo | Album Review