Gulp: Season Sun

Season Sun
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Artist: Gulp
Genre: Alternative
Label: Sonic Cathedral

If ever an album lived up to the promise of its title, it's this debut of one-time Super Furry Animals bassist Guto Pryce and his partner, Lindsey Leven. Season Sun is a summertime album through and through, from Leven's airy vocals to the balmy production values. The psychedelic flair of Pryce's former band is perceptible throughout, as sprawling organ jams mingle with his chugging bass groove on Game Love and Everything, while the hip-swinging, light-as-a-feather shimmy of Let's Go makes it a standout track. Perhaps inevitably, the pair fall into a pattern of slouchy psychedelic waltzes, although the rhythmic Latin strum of Play and the endearingly quirky electronics of I Want to Dance help to disrupt the repetition. An immersive, dreamy album made to while away summer afternoons – sunshine or no. Download: Let's Go, Play

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times