There are some musicians who know the value of keeping schtum and sticking to a task. While many acts favour using megaphone diplomacy when hyping their wares long before such goods are anywhere near ready, Galway duo Tracy Friel and Will O'Connor eschewed spending time fluting around on social media to concentrate on making sounds to lure the listener closer. Their debut follows an EP, a spot of crowdfunding and a few gigs to spread the word. Dying Stars is an album which follows in the footsteps of others who've been guided by the same musical stars, yet it brings something new to the party. There's a fine draw to the slo-mo, sleepy creep of their electropop, with tracks like Stones and Bruce Lee full of confidently-taken tangents and diversions. The title track is also noteworthy, full of calm, musical spark and sass.
Grounds for Invasion: Dying Stars | Album Review