Girls Names: Arms around a Vision | Album Review

Tough Love Records, 4 stars

Arms around a Vision
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Artist: Girls Names
Genre: Alternative
Label: Tough Love Records

Girls? They’re all over the shop these weeks, what with Girl Band, US Girls, Girls in Airports (both on these pages) and now Girls Names, the band from Belfast that is making a push for some kind of greatness.

Four albums into their six-year existence and they're definitely getting there, as Arms Around a Vision is by far the best culmination of multifarious influences that range from ambient/electronica swathe (Obsession), alt-rock swagger (Reticence, Desire Oscillations) and krautrock- influenced panache (Exploit Me).

It clearly helps that the band moonlight and collaborate with acts that are as far removed from “indie” as you can imagine, and the fact they distance themselves from any local Belfast “scene” further enhances their often exhilarating sensibilities.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture