To corral Ensemble Ériu within the world of traditional music is to do them a disservice, steeped as they are in the vast spaciousness of minimalism, and partial to the languid rhythms of jazz. Concertina and bass player Jack Talty and bass, flute and whistle player Neil O'Loghlen train their sights on a largely traditional repertoire, with one O'Loghlen original (Tírdhreach Garbh). While a trad thread weaves through this brief and often beautiful affair, it's the plaintive 3, College Square, with its crisp fiddle and concertina lines intersecting with a tiptoeing marimba, that lodges within the subconscious. Saileog Ní Cheannabháin's spare vocals are almost a distraction, and at times Talty and O'Loghlen get carried away by the multiple delights of the mixing desk, but this is still a collection to challenge and cajole in equal measure.
Download: Caoineadh Do Leanbh Marbh
Ensemble Ériu