Finghin Collins (piano), RTÉ NSO/Alan Buribayev

NCH, Dublin Tonight €10-€35 01-4170000

NCH, Dublin Tonight €10-€35 01-4170000

Tonight’s concert by the National Symphony Orchestra is both a conclusion and a beginning. The programme includes Shostakovich’s Second Piano Concerto (with Finghin Collins) and Tchaikovsky’s final symphony, the Pathétique, and brings to an end this season’s survey of Tchaikovsky symphonies and Shostakovich concertos.

The concert is also the first appearance by Kazakh conductor Alan Buribayev since it was announced last May that he will become the orchestra’s principal conductor, on a three-year contract beginning in September.

And the programme also includes a specially commissioned work by Jennifer Walshe (pictured). This is the first work for the NSO by a composer who has been fearless in stretching the boundaries of musical expression – witness her painstaking documentation of the work of the south Dublin collective Grúpat, where all the strangely named artists (including Turf Boon and The Dowager Marchylove) are none other than herself.