Cfit: Throwaway Survival Machine | Album Review

Throwaway Survival Machine
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Artist: Cfit
Genre: Alternative
Label: Self-released

This was once a solo side-project for Dubliner Noël Duplaa, former vocalist and guitarist with little- known band Tidal District. Now Cfit have bolstered their sound and become a five-piece. Album No 2 is a well- intentioned muddle of sounds, engrossing when it works and misguided when it doesn't. Apres Moi, Le Deluge borrows from the Twin Peaks songbook and builds from spacey piano to contemplative guitars. The album's erratic undercurrent rears its head on the zippy Dust Silhouettes and the crunch of drums on the otherwise hymnal Salvo. It's not clear whether Cfit want to be electronic, indie guitar or post- rock. Still, this is a solid layover on their their journey to figuring it out.

Download: Apres Moi, Le Deluge, Dust Silhouettes

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times