British Clarinet Sonatas Vol 2

British Clarinet Sonatas Vol 2
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Artist: Michael Collins, Michael McHale, Malcolm Arnold, Arnold Cooke, Edward Gregson, Arthur Benjamin, Joseph Horovitz
Genre: Classical
Label: Chandos

This selection of 20th-century British works is mostly at the lighter end of the scale. The Sonatinas by Malcolm Arnold and Joseph Horovitz, written in 1951 and 1981 respectively, are often called on to perform a sorbet-like function in clarinet recitals. The 1939 Sonata by Arnold Cooke displays the influence of his teacher, Paul Hindemith, rather too strongly, and Edward Gregson 's [/Z3STARS] Tributes (2008-10) don't so much invade the stylistic worlds of other composers, as he intended, as simply borrow too directly. Arthur Benjamin 's 1949 Le Tombeau de Ravel follows a similar line with greater subtlety. Collins and McHale play them all with svelte assurance.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor