Andy Irvine: 70th Birthday Concert at Vicar St 2012

Andy Irvine 70th Birthday Concert at Vicar St 2012
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Artist: Andy Irvine and friends
Genre: Traditional
Label: Independent Release

The ageless quality of Andy Irvine's voice wends its way through this celebration, recorded during two concerts in June 2012 to mark his 70th birthday. Many of his multifarious collaborations are here for the taking: from the intimate folk of Sweeney's Men with Johnny Moynihan and Terry Woods to the storytelling that characterised his work with Paul Brady, not to mention the magnificent rhythmic conundrums of Mozaik. Andy's latest project, LAPD (with Liam Ó Flynn, Paddy Glackin and Dónal Lunny) provides the backbone of this collection, and the foursome are joined by Brady for a pitch perfect reading of The Jolly Soldier. A notable absence is Planxty, but remarkably, the prolific and highly eclectic nature of Irvine's output renders the omission almost void. A mighty fine snapshot of a musician still in thrall of his music.

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts