Sarah MacDougall

The Greatest Ones Alive Rabbit Heart Music ****

The Greatest Ones Alive Rabbit Heart Music****

Sarah MacDougall's music is always intensely personal, whether about friendship or faith, love or losing. There's a vulnerability in these plaintively honest explorations of the heart and mind by the Swedish-Canadian singer- songwriter. Of the 10 tracks on this impressive follow-up to her 2009's debut ( Across the Atlantic, two stand out). Permafrostand Cold Nightare love songs in which MacDougall's empathy for northern Canada's rugged physical beauty helps tell the tales. Their ability to seize the moment may not be fully replicated elsewhere, but these are generally strong and thoughtful songs. MacDougall's own production sounds too gilded at first, but the signature sounds of Tim Tweedale's Weissenborn guitar and the singer's warm, grainy vocals and neat acoustic picking convinced these ears that Sarah MacDougall is indeed the real deal. See

Download tracks: Permafrost, Cold Night