Airs & Dances from Dublin Castle: Spackling Band review - comes across with a steady efficiency

Airs & Dances from Dublin CastleSpackling BandAtoll ACD 9153

Airs & Dances from Dublin Castle
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Artist: Spackling Band, Matthew Dubourg, Thomas Riseingrave, Johann Christian Fischer, Francesco Geminiani, Domenico Corri, Pietro Castrucci, George Frideric Handel, Turlough O'Carolan
Genre: Classical
Label: Atoll

The Spackling Band takes its name from Francis “Spackling” Dowdall, a member of the state orchestra at Dublin Castle in the early 18th century.

The group is formed of two of his descendants, flautist William and viola-player Lisa, with harpsichordist David Adams and viol player Malachy Robinson.

The names of some of the composers here will be familiar, though the music probably not.

Handel is represented by a Minuet and a Gavotte, Geminiani by a set of variations, with Thomas Roseingrave getting the lion's share of attention, and Matthew Dubourg represented by a suite and a set of variations on Eileen Aroon, said to have been known to Beethoven.


The playing of these light, flute-dominated pieces comes across with a steady efficiency.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor