HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON at the Centre Pompidou

Considered by many to have been the greatest photographer of the 20th century, at the Centre Pompidou, 75004. Metro Rambuteau. Open every day except Tuesday from 11am until 11 pm. Web: centrepompidou.fr

FROM WATTEAU TO FRAGONARD at the Musee Jacquemart-Andre

Exquisite rococo froth, at the Musee Jacquemart-Andre, 158 blvd Haussman, 75008,.Metro Saint-Philippe du Roule or Miromesnil. Open every day from 10am until 6pm and until 8.30pm on Sat and Mon. Web: musee-jacquemart-andre.com
IMPRESSIONISTS IN PRIVATE at the Musee Marmottan-Monet

100 masterpieces from private collections at the Musee Marmottan-Monet, 2 rue Louis-Boilly, 75016 Paris. Metro La Muette. Open Tues to Sun from 10am until 6pm and until 8pm Thurs. Web: marmottan.fr
The Empress's life story, as well as her portraits, clothes, jewellery, china and crystal, at the Musee du Luxembourg, 19 rue de Vaugirard, 75006. Metro Odeon or RER Luxembourg. Open every day from 10am until 7.30pm, until 10pm Mon. Web: museeduluxembourg.fr
Bill Viola
US pioneer of video art, at the Grand Palais. Metro Champs-Elysees-Clemenceau, 75008. Open Wed to Mon from 10am until 10pm, except Sun and Mon when it closes at 8pm. web: grandpalais.fr