Irish Times journalists will be at home at 45 Merrion Square on Culture Night from 5pm to 10pm and you’re invited to join in the discussion. Home will be the basement yard of the Irish Architectural Archive, where there’ll be live music, interviews, chats and a chance to take home a book from the library, selected by librarians Conor Pope and Martin Doyle. Literary Critic Eileen Battersby will answer questions about books; columnist Róisín Ingle will discuss embarrassing moments; environment editor Frank McDonald will discuss city living and why we’re not very good at it ... all in the unique setting of a sittingroom below street level. Join the conversation at any time by following us on twitter @IrishTimesCultr or with the hastag #DownstairsDublin
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Entrance is on a first come, first served basis so make sure and check below for times
5:00pm to 5.45pm
Eileen Battersby: can you perplex the expert? Ask our Literary Critic anything about books
5.45pm to 6:00pm
Interval act
6:00pm to 6.30pm
Lives of the Square: Gemma Tipton interviews estate agent Mark FitzGerald about the history of Merrion Square in people and prices.
6.30pm to 7.15pm
Róisín Ingle's Basket of Embarrassing Moments: Readers tell Róisín about their most embarrassing moments and she shares hers
7.15pm to 7:30pm
Interval act
7.30pm to 8:00pm
Frank McDonald: Living in the City - Why more of us should, but why we can't
8:00pm to 8.15pm
Interval act
8.15pm to 8.45pm
Hugh Linehan and Fionn Davenport on the pros and cons of loafing around Dublin
8.45pm to 9:00pm
Interval act
Patrick Freyne: Patrick Freyne's Folk Music Singalong with Anna Carey and Roisin Ingle.