It was a Saturday night and the Olympic Games were starting in the morning. But first our story goes back to two weeks ago. Big Chungas woke up at 6.00am to go to the gym. He was training morning, noon and night as he wanted to be big and strong to win gold running in the Olympics. But Big Chungas knew that this would be difficult as he was a rabbit and could not run as fast as his arch rival Henry the Hare.

When he got to the gym who was there before him but Henry who immediately started teasing him. “I don’t know why you are here so early,” said Henry to Chungas, “as there is no way you are going to win at the Olympics, especially with me in the race also.”
Now everyone knows that hares run faster than rabbits, however, Big Chungas just ignored Henry’s teasing as he was going to prove him wrong! He could picture himself breaking the tape at the finish line to loud applause.
So he…