David Jason, the son of a Billingsgate fishmonger, after an indifferent schooling became an electrician. While wiring a wealthy couple's house he met the famous Beverley Sisters. "I felt I had come into contact with a world as far removed from mine as it was possible to imagine, a world of glamour and stardom and wealth." Always attracted to acting, he missed out on roles in Monty Python and Dad's Army but, through Ronnie Barker, landed a role in his first major television comedy, Hark at Barker. No Sex Please, We're British, Open All Hours and The Darling Buds of May all followed; his playing Del Boy in Only Fools and Horses brought lasting fame. He showed his acting versatility as the canny detective in A Touch of Frost. He experienced setbacks, worst of all the illness and death of his longtime partner, Myfanwy Talog. This is a wonderful read, suffused with Jason's warm and generous personality.