Poems of the week: Jewish Cemetery, Chernivtsi by Michael Augustin; The Milk Stand by Peter Denman

New works by Michael Augustin and Peter Denman

Photograph: Alan Betson, Irish Times Photographer. 4/1/08 ------------------------------------ Headstones in the Old Jewish Cemetery of Ballybough at 67 Fairview Strand. pic for Arts Book Review
The epitaphs
Russian, Hebrew, Ukrainian
Romanian, Yiddish, German

Here you can
learn from the dead
how we might live together
without strife

Michael Augustin is a German poet and artist with strong links to Ireland. Mickle Makes Muckle, a collection of poems translated by Sujata Bhatt was published by Dedalus. Ad Infinitum, a trilingual collection of his poems, translated by Gabriel Rosenstock and Hans-Christian Oeser was published by Coiscéim. Five volumes of his visual poetry were published by Redfoxpress on Achill Island.

The Milk Stand
. . . is an abandoned altar by the road
Unwanted by whatever god,
A staging post for emptiness and rust,
A place where the past is held in trust.
Outside this gate you might have heard
A lorry as it slowed and throttled back
And stopped; then the clank of churns transferred
̶ Echoes preserved in the solid block.

Peter Denman is retired from teaching in Maynooth University. His poems have appeared in periodicals in the UK and Ireland. Publications include Sour Grapes (Ulsterman Publications), The Poet's Manual (Sotto Voce Press), and Epigrammata (Astrolabe Press).