Today’s the day. Ready, Bridget? Brace yourself! Mere anarchy is to be loosed upon the world. Yes, it’s Inauguration Day in Washington DC, now Maga capital of the world, where Donald John Trump (78) will become 47th president of the USA. Hear ye him, “mere anarchy”, himself.
So, Trump II begins. A second coming, with all that passionate intensity. This “rough beast” whose hour has come, again. (Gawd! — as the Americans say — I just love Yeats. WB, thou should’st be living at this hour!).
Bridget, come out from under that bed. Remember the words of Julian of Norwich, “all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well”. She even survived the Black Death.
We, on the other hand, are called on to survive this mere Orange Dearth, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. (I love Shakespeare too. Will, thou, too, should’st be living at this hour!).
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Remarkably, today is Martin Luther King jnr Day in the US, as well. Only in America. We too shall overcome. Someday.
This is just the second non-consecutive re-inauguration of a US president, after the second inauguration of Grover Cleveland in 1893, and Trump II is the oldest man ever to be inaugurated US president.
He, and all those Islamic terrorists, are also a dire warning against non-drinkers. My late father used say, “never trust a man who doesn’t drink”. It may have been self-serving, but is not without wisdom.
In a sense, today was necessary. Had Trump not won the US presidential election last November there would have been blood on the streets of America’s cities, as any other result would have been put down to fraud by his supporters.
Today is a necessary part of the purging of the “rough beast” that has torn at the body politic of the US Republican Party in recent decades, as brutally as did the Alien in Kane’s chest (John Hurt character) in the shocking film of that name.
Maga has it all, now. The White House. The Senate. The Congress. The Supreme Court. Its finest hour has come, with one direction left — down!
Maga must deliver. But mere anarchy cannot do that. Wherein lies the seed of its destruction.
Stand well back, dear Bridget. It won’t be pretty.
Inauguration, from Latin inaugurationem, “for ceremonial investiture with office”.