Crosaire No 17204 by Crossheir – Friday, March 6th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Peach (peach) salad (= anagram indicator) (peach = CHAPE-) and port (port/left = -L) (CHAPEL) where the service is supposed to be good (CHAPEL),

9 Heard talking to the secretary writing things down (DICTATOR) for slave driver (DICTATOR),

10 Global communiqué doing the rounds (‘GLobal communiqUE‘ doing the rounds = GLUE) employed by those in a sticky situation (GLUE),

11 Do a job in the city (do a job in The City = TRADE) on merger (merger = UNION) (TRADE UNION) with group of workers (TRADE UNION),


12 Reclassifies missing series (‘reclassifies’ missing ‘series’ = clasif = FISCAL) describing something that may be taxing (FISCAL),

14 Move in or (move in or) out (= anagram indicator) (move in or = OMNIVORE), as it’ll eat away at everything (OMNIVORE),

15 One of those in the house (one of those in The House/Dáil = PARLIAMENTARIAN) synonymous with a diet? (synonymous parliamentary diet/assembly = PARLIAMENTARIAN),

18 Bishop (B-) Alan (-ALAN-) Clare (-CE-), head of school (head of ‘School’ = -S) (BALANCES), settles accounts (BALANCES),

20 Took a break (RESTED) from site off side street (‘site’ off ‘side street’ = dsreet = RESTED),

22 Audience (ATTENDANCE) from The Gate (ATTENDANCE),

24 Promise (OATH) of a hot (a hot) dish (= anagram indicator) (a hot = OATH),

25 Nice ending to film (in Nice, France, ‘end’ of film = FIN-) with the best actors (‘A’ list = -ALIST) (FINALIST) – could be a potential winner of something (FINALIST),

26 Hesitate (ER-) near African capital (capital/money = -RAND) (ERRAND) with small mission (ERRAND).


1 For the consumers it’s a hot addition (CHILLI) to Catholic (C-) hospital (-H-) sick (-ILL) unit (-I) (CHILLI),

2 It’s an oversight (lapse) not opening (l) (‘lapse’ without ‘l’ = APSE) part of 8 across (APSE = part of ‘chapel’),

3 Crafty group (FLOTILLA) of overseas footballers (F-A) admit whole bunch (-LOT-) is not in good shape (-ILL-) (FLOTILLA),

4 Some splendid earnest (some ‘splendID EArnest’ = IDEA) creative thought (IDEA),

5 Guard (SCREEN) detected (seen = S-EEN) getting hold of credit (-CR-) (SCREEN),

6 Ivor (-IVOR-) invested in Carne (Carne = CARN-E-) with endless (end ‘lesS’ = -S) (CARNIVORES) types of Fat Cats, for example (CARNIVORES),

7 Cultivate (= anagram indicator) oregano (oregano = NO-GO ARE-) on edge of allotment (edge of ‘Allotment’ = -A) (NO-GO AREA) in the restricted zone (NO-GO AREA),

13 Security (COLLATERAL) firm (CO-), after a while (-LATER-) in American city (-L-A-), gets on top of the legislation (on top of the ‘Legislation’ = -L) (COLLATERAL),

14 Starts (OPENS) a static evacuation from space station (‘a static’ evacuation/taken from ‘space station’ = speon = OPENS),

16 Backs (= reversal indicator) civil disorder (riot = -TOIR) charge (tab = -BAT-) – it’s to do with a (A-) (ABATTOIR) scene of bloodshed (ABATTOIR),

17 Made it a goal (TARGETED) to get trade (get trade) moving (= anagram indicator) (get trade = TARGETED),

19 Nickel-and-dime linkmen missing (‘nickel-and-dime’ ‘linkmen’ missing = ceaddi = CADDIE) with bagman of course (CADDIE),

21 The full scope (the full EXTENT) for electronic (E-) tour (= anagram indicator) next (next = -XTEN-) for Tesla (abbrev. for ‘tesla’ in physics = -T) (EXTENT),

23 Hard types to crack (NUTS) from banks to nuclear power plants (banks to ‘NUclear power planTS’ = NUTS),

24 Rows (OARS) with co-authors losing touch (‘co-authors’ losing ‘touch’ = oars = OARS).