Crosaire No 16994 by Crossheir – Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Uplifting (= reversal indicator) sketch (draw = W-ARD) includes current (-I-) Zionist leader (‘Zionist’ leader = -Z-) (WIZARD) of Oz (WIZARD of Oz),

4 A (A-) soldier (-GI-) from leaderless (s) country (‘state’ without ‘s’ = -TATE-) finds diamonds (-D) (AGITATED) and gets jittery (AGITATED),

9 Broke (= anagram indicator) arm (arm = -AMR-) in bar (R-OD) (RAMROD) – you could press charges with this (RAMROD = rod to ram down the charge into a muzzle firearm),

10 Is removed from limousine’s (‘is’ removed from ‘limousines’ = limounes  = EMULSION) watery type of paintwork (EMULSION),


12 Run the bar (run the bar = HEARTBURN) ill (= anagram indicator) with form of reflux disease (HEARTBURN),

13 Beat (beat/throb = PULSE) – the one the policeman is supposed to run as part of a programme (‘programme’ = ‘program’), we hear? (= homophone indicator) (PULSE program)

14 Force (POWER) from Kent, for instance (Cork’s Kent STATION) (POWER STATION), generates lots of energy (POWER STATION),

18 Agent (BROKER-) consumed by 25 across (‘powers’ = POWER -S) (POWER BROKERS) and people of influence (POWER BROKERS),

21 Might (POWER) lead to 14 across (lead to ‘power station’ = POWER),

22 Dramatise (OVERSTATE) what’s finished (OVER-) by the people (-STATE) (OVERSTATE),

24 Tiny cast (tiny cast = SANCTITY) produced (= anagram indicator) show of godliness (SANCTITY),

25 Sway  (POWER-) on bender (-S) (POWERS) with the local whiskey (POWERS whiskey),

26 Ultimate performance (SWAN SONG) of number synonymous with The Children of Lir (number/song synonymous with The Children of Lir = SWAN SONG),

27 Character (LETTER) risked a removal from Kildare Street (‘risked a’ removal from ‘Kildare Street’ = ltreet = LETTER).


1 Praises (WORSHIPS) uplifting (= reversal indicator) argument (row = WOR-) by those overseas (-SHIPS) (WORSHIPS),

2 Graduate (-MBA-) backs (= reversal indicator) small entertainment business (biz = ZI-B-) and begins wacky extravaganza (begins ‘wacky extravaganza’ = -WE) (ZIMBABWE) in Africa (ZIMBABWE),

3 He got away from shooter (‘he’ got away from ‘shooter’ = sootr = ROOST) to settle down (ROOST),

5 Magazine (mag = GAM-) review (= reversal indicator) is popular (-IN-) for golf (-G), for mathematicians (TABLES) (GAMING TABLES) and for those in the casino business (GAMING-TABLES),

6 For the long shot (TELEPHOTO lens) of the (the) empty (h) (‘the’ without ‘h’ = TE-) unpredictable (= anagram indicator) pothole? (pothole = -LEPHOTO) (TELEPHOTO),

7 Sister-in-law ignores wines (‘sister-in-law’ ignores ‘wines’ = sitrla = TRIALS) in cases (court cases = TRIALS),

8 Slip on (DON-) what’s basic (what’s key = -KEY) (DONKEY) with Jenny (DONKEY),

11 Putin (PUT IN) welcomes most of them (most of ‘them’ = THE) from Wellington (wellington BOOT) (PUT THE BOOT IN) for kick around? (PUT THE BOOT IN),

15 What tourists are charged (ROOM RATES) with in (within) chamber (ROOM) by judges (RATES) (ROOM RATES),

16 Dealer (dealer = RED ALE-) misread (= anagram indicator) retweet (-RT) (RED ALERT) of critical warning (RED ALERT),

17 Fool (ASS-) showing off (= anagram indicator) roses (roses = -ESSOR) (ASSESSOR) in The Examiner (ASSESSOR),

19 Resorts (spas = SPAS-) to initiating misery (initiating ‘misery’ = -M-) on bender (-S bend) (SPASMS) with jerks (SPASMS),

20 Artist (R-A) takes in magician’s bar (-WAND-) (RWANDA) in Africa (RWANDA),

23 Small (S-) old revolutionary (Wolfe - TONE) (STONE) from the jeweller’s shop (STONE).