Crosaire No 16681 by Crossheir – Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Tried (HAD A GO) hotel (H-) with Bill (-AD) from the bar (Attorney General = A G-) – it’s only half OK (half ‘ok’ = -O) (HAD A GO),

4 Most of the drugs (most of the ‘speed’ = SPEE-) found at revolutionary’s (Che’s = -CHES) (SPEECHES) addresses (SPEECHES),

9 Violently remove Ivy (‘violently’ remove ‘Ivy’ = olentl = TELL ON) and sell her down the river! (TELL ON),


10 Sailing ship (MAN-OF-WAR) for Attila the Hun perhaps (MAN-OF-WAR),

12 On something in the Himalayas (HIGH POINT) is the best part of being stoned presumably (HIGH POINT),

13 Representative (AGENT) of a (A-) fairly (half of) hard-working type (half of ‘diligent’ = -GENT) (AGENT),

14 Workers (MEN-) mellow (-AGE) near Artois (Artois = A TROIS), sick (= anagram indicator) (MENAGE A TROIS) of three people in Parisian Union (MENAGE A TROIS),

18 This couldn’t be more obvious (CRYSTAL CLEAR) – it holds the drink (CRYSTAL) to take away (take away = CLEAR away) (CRYSTAL CLEAR),

21 Taximeter doesn’t include time (‘taximeter’ doesn’t include ‘time’ = axter = EXTRA) bonus (EXTRA),

22 Reduced (p) Cork (‘cap’ without ‘p’ = CA-) community (European community = -EC-) in this (-T-HIS-) monastery primarily (‘monastery’ primarily = -M) (CATECHISM) offering religious instruction (CATECHISM),

24 Prenatal (prenatal = PATERNAL) doctor (= anagram indicator) is very sympathetic to one of the family (PATERNAL),

25 Order it officially (ORDAIN) for new (= anagram indicator) road (road = ORDA-) going up (= reversal indicator) north (NI = -IN) (ORDAIN),

26 Ditches (TRENCHES) fish (T-ENCH-) around river (-R-) with heads of European salmon (heads of ‘European salmon’ = -ES) (TRENCHES),

27 Turns up (= reversal indicator), the Foreign (la = -AL) Editor (ed = -DE-) is writing (from the 3Rs = -R-) nothing (O-) (ORDEAL) to do with difficult trial (ORDEAL).


1 This (this = HITS) problem (= anagram indicator) with The House (HOME) (HITS HOME) strikes a chord (HITS HOME),

2 Hardworking (DILIGENT) institute (-I-) in Dingle (Dingle = DIL-GEN-) hampered (= anagram indicator) by time (-T) (DILIGENT),

3 Species (GROUP) of bats coming out of gastropub (‘bats’ coming out of ‘gastropub’ = gropu = GROUP),

5 For those getting their big breaks (PLASTER CASTS), several from Band Aid (several from Band Aid = PLASTER -S) cover group of performers (CAST-) (PLASTER CASTS),

6 For example (e.g. = EG-), country on Arabian Peninsula (-OMAN-) and CIA (CIA = -IAC) suspicious (= anagram indicator) (EGOMANIAC) of self-obsessed individual (EGOMANIAC),

7 Eating out of watering hole (‘eating’ out of ‘watering hole’ = wrhole = HOWLER) is a stupid mistake (HOWLER),

8 Priest (priest = SPRITE) travelling (= anagram indicator) with amazing type who is a bit of a legend (SPRITE),

11 Cut off (DISASSOCIATE) from detective’s (DIs = DIS-) sidekick (-ASSOCIATE) (DISASSOCIATE),

15 Government (G-) criteria (criteria = - ERIATRIC) strangely (= anagram indicator) (GERIATRIC) relating to older people (GERIATRIC),

16 Be unsure (HESITATE) that man (HE-) is (IS = -SI-) retiring (= reversal indicator) from foreign museum (-TATE) (HESITATE),

17 One of the Mafia, for instance (CRIMINAL), gets credit (CR-) from one (-I-) Milan (Milan = -MINAL) bully (= anagram indicator) (CRIMINAL),

19 Upsets (= reversal indicator) shirty types (tops = -SPOT) working on paper (ed = DE-) (DESPOT) for tyrant (DESPOT),

20 Speak (STAT-E) about university (-U-) (STATUE) produced by Oliver Goldsmith outside of Trinity, for example (STATUE),

23 You can’t say one doesn’t mind anyone (CARER) getting about (-RE-) in private transport (CA-R) (CARER).