A woman who repeatedly “bashed” a man’s head on the edge of a footpath has been jailed for four years over the assault, which a court heard left the victim with a brain injury and unable to play with his children.
Courtney Murphy, who was 18 years at the time of the incident, jumped on Alan McCarthy, knocked him down and repeatedly punched him and banged his head off the ground, Limerick Circuit Court was told.
Murphy, now aged 20, of New Road, Thomondgate, pleaded guilty to assault causing harm and told gardaí she “lost control” on the day. She claimed in interviews with gardaí that Mr McCarthy had grabbed her by the throat during an altercation an hour beforehand.
However, prosecution counsel John O’Sullivan BL told the court the assault on Mr McCarthy, at Westfield Wetlands, Condell Road on September 17th, 2021, was a “one-sided” attack on an “intoxicated male who couldn’t defend himself”.
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Witnesses told gardaí they saw Murphy getting on top of Mr McCarthy and punching him and banging his head off the ground.
One said they saw Murphy and Mr McCarthy having an argument and Murphy telling him she would “get her boyfriend”. A witness claimed they saw Murphy’s boyfriend, Darnell Price, punch Mr McCarthy in the face. However, Price, who pleaded guilty to a charge of engaging in violent disorder, denied striking the victim.
The court heard all parties had consumed a significant amount of alcohol on the day, including Mr McCarthy. Mr O’Sullivan said Mr McCarthy was “violently assaulted, his head was bashed off concrete ground”. He said Murphy had admitted that Mr McCarthy “did not hit her” before she set upon him in the park.
‘A life sentence’
He said the work of gardaí and paramedics in getting Mr McCarthy to hospital probably saved his life. Doctors said he suffered a “sustained traumatic brain injury” due to “multiple impacts” which left him with “memory cognition issues”. The court heard he continues to suffer “significant weakness in his limbs and impaired psychological function”.
Mr McCarthy’s father, Patrick McCarthy, wrote in a victim impact statement that his son was left with “a life sentence” of “life-changing injuries”.
“He can’t play with his kids anymore due to this brutal attack by Courtney Murphy,” he said.
Ciara McCarthy, the victim’s sister, said her Alan “is no longer himself, we have to help him eat, pick things up, go upstairs”.
Chaotic childhood
Murphy’s barrister said his client had “a chaotic childhood” after being left “orphaned at a young age”. He said Ms Murphy had consumed “alcohol” and cannabis which probably “played a part” in her behaviour on the day.
The court heard Price (23), of Kileely Road, Thomondgate, has 82 previous convictions for offences including assault causing harm, possession of knives, burglary and theft. He had just been released from prison at the time of the attack on Mr McCarthy.
“He has led a recidivist life with a propensity for violence,” Mr O’Sullivan said.
Judge Tom O’Donnell jailed Murphy for five years and suspended the final 12 months of the sentence on condition that she does not reoffend for five years after her release and adheres to a one-year post release supervision order. Price was remanded for sentencing at Limerick Circuit Court on July 18th.