Gardaí arrest man and woman over Creeslough explosion that killed 10 people

Arrests of man and woman (40s) follow first two arrests in the case in March, with criminal investigation into service station explosion now gathering pace

Gardaí at the scene of the Applegreen service station in the village of Creeslough, Co Donegal, where 10 people lost their lives in an explosion in October 2022.

Gardaí have made two further arrests as part of the criminal investigation into an explosion in Creeslough, Co Donegal in which 10 people died in 2022.

The two arrests on Monday, of a man and woman aged in their 40s, follow the detention of two other people in March.

The first two people detained were released without charge, but the investigation has continued and further arrests are anticipated.

“This morning, investigating gardaí have arrested two persons – a man and a woman aged in their 40s – for alleged offences contrary to the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997,” the Garda said in a brief statement about the two latest arrests.


“Both are currently detained under the provisions of Section 4 Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at separate Garda stations in county Donegal.”

Ten people died in the explosion at the Applegreen service station on Friday October 7th, 2022. Those who died in the blast were aged between five and 59. There was an apartment block on the same site. The arrests of the two men in March represented the first official confirmation from the Garda that the inquiry into the cause of the explosion is a criminal one.

The investigation is being led by gardaí from the Donegal area, based at Milford station, and assisted by the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation (NBCI), the Garda’s serious crime squad. The is also being aided by agencies including the Health and Safety Authority and the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities.

The legislation under which the latest two arrests have been made allows for the detention of suspects for up to 24 hours without charge. The interviews of the two arrested people involve evidence gathered to date being put to the man and woman to add to the Garda file on the case.

Any replies to questions put to the suspects will help inform the decision making of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) when the file on the case is eventually sent forward by investigating gardaí. The office of the DPP will decide if criminal charges are warranted and, if so, what those charges should be and against whom.

From the start of the investigation, gardaí were focused on the gas system at the buildings on the site, including an apartment block on what was a small residential and retail site. While there is no suggestion the gas system was tampered with, or any actions were undertaken to deliberately damage it, every aspect of how that system ran and was maintained has been examined by the investigating team.

The two men detained in March, the first arrests in the case, were interviewed by detectives and questions were put to them about the gas system. It is understood similar questions would be put to the people detained on Monday.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times