Web Log: Jelly set to take on human-powered search

Social media app is reincarnated as a people-fuelled search engine site

After a wobbly (ahem) initial launch, the Q&A service known as Jelly is back. This is one of Twitter co-founder Biz Stone’s ideas that started life in 2014 as a kind of social media app but has reincarnated as a human-powered search engine site.

“Jelly is humanity plus technology,” says Stone. An ambitious statement considering it seems a little like Quora except sparsely populated. What it does is provide answers to your questions by finding other Jelly members who – based on their location, interests or previous answers – might be in a position to provide you with the perfect answer.

I asked Jelly to recommend the best sushi restaurant in Dublin. I was surprised at how quickly an answer arrived but, unfortunately, I’ve eaten there several times already. It’s very probable that as it grows I’ll see the need for Jelly but for now I’m all set.