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Cat shaming

A wise or at the very least accurate person once said that the internet is comprised mostly of cat pictures; there are LOLcats, silly GIFs, clever captions, ones that make you fawn over the cuteness.

But now there has been a breakthrough that fills an important niche in the cat picture market: cat shaming. If your cat has done something stupid, embarrassing, shameful or downright naughty you can expose them here. Complete with handwritten note to describe their despicable actions. Bwaaaaw, you had me at 'cat'.


With the acquisition of Legacy Locker, PasswordBox is now a solid choice not only for storing all of your passwords to regularly visited sites like Gmail or Amazon. com but also to give you the option of passing this information along to your next-of-kin as you would with important documents. How important is this? PasswordBox cites BetaKit's estimation that the average online user has US$55,000 in "digital assets including photos, projects, hobbies, personal records, work info, entertainment, social media and email" - something worth protecting.


Happier. com
Social media status updates are basically selfies, humblebrags and rants. It's such a narcissistic and angry world out there! Why not try out Happier.com, a social media platform where you are encouraged to use status updates as a way of expressing gratitude.


The idea is to share happy moments from your life and thus promote positive behaviour, which will have a knock-on effect on those around you.

In theory, this sounds

In reality, the Irish like to give out so you probably won't find many of us on the site.
