Web Log

Another reason to bring your phone everywhere

The Egyptians buried their dead with precious objects. I think I’d like to have my smartphone with me and not because I’m superstitious; I have Google-induced taphophobia, or fear of being buried alive. You might too if you read these ghastly real-life accounts of corpses found face-down on their side and with grooves scratched into wood by desperate clawing. There are hundreds of documented cases. Happy Halloween!


Junior Cert coding course in draft
The draft specification for a Junior Cycle (formerly Junior Cert) course in programming and coding has been released. The draft talks about developing problem-solving and computational thinking skills through creating algorithms, learning programming languages, acquiring project management skills and communicating information processes through flow charts, design documents, and teamwork.


LinkedIn Intro boosts iOS mail
Professional networking service LinkedIn last week introduced what seems like an ingenious new feature called Intro.


By accessing the email account on your iPhone it adds in the LinkedIn profile details from people you communicate with. Despite much hubbub about security concerns, LinkedIn assures us these reports are inaccurate and that this app is safe as houses, which is great because it’s quite useful and not just for creepers.


Bet on anything with the Bull or Bear app
Fancy a flutter you gather more business cards than your rival at the Web Summit. Or wanna bet €20 I find more free coffees than you? Bull or Bear is a featured Irish start-up at the summit with an upcoming app called AnyBet that allows you to – you guessed it – place a bet on anything. Social gaming is a fun niche and there's nothing more satisfying than being able to make silly bets with your friends. Now where are those hard-boiled eggs, we only have an hour!
