Tech Tools: Edwin the Duck

Edwin stars in a range of interactive stories and games on your tablet

First seen at CES last year, Edwin the Duck is more than your average rubber duck. He’s a multitasker, acting as entertainment for your child, a tool for education, a safety device and a comfort at night. That’s a lot for one small duck. Let’s explain a bit further. Edwin stars in his own range of interactive stories and games on your tablet, keeping your child entertained while also teaching them things by stealth. Edwin also plays music for you to sing along with, and at night he can play lullabies and light up his wing to act as a night-light.

Even with all that extra stuff going on, he’s still a regular rubber duck at heart. Mould- and water-resistant, you can bring him into the bath to play, where he will play a selection of tunes for your child. There’s more of course. He’s a bath thermometer, glowing red when the bath is too warm. At $100, he’s an expensive rubber duck, but Edwin just might be worth it.