Openet to create 30 jobs in Dublin

Technology company also looking to recruit for a number of graduate positions

Irish technology company Openet is to create 30 highly- skilled roles at its headquarters in Dublin. There will be

graduate positions, senior technical and engineering jobs.

"We are hiring top-class software engineering graduates and senior engineers who can help us continue to innovate and create dynamic, real-time software solutions . . ," Openet chief executive Niall Norton said.

The company has also announced 15 new jobs at its Asian hub in Kuala Lumpur. Those jobs are for software engineers, lead engineers and program managers.


Openet, which employs more than 840 staff, develops software for more than 600 million mobile phone users around the world. The software enables its global mobile phone and cable customers, which include AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and Vodafone, to improve profitability by commercialising network activity.

The company has a research and development lab and core product development function in Dublin where it employs more than 200 engineers.

Chief technical officer and founder Joe Hogan said the company was working with Irish third-level institutions to ensure that graduates are equipped to take up the highly-skilled roles.

“Software engineers need to be able to code at the highest level and this focus must be retained by the academic institutions here to ensure our graduates can compete in a global workforce,” he said.

Mr Hogan and Mr Norton are previous winners of the EY Irish entrepreneur of the year award.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton said Openet is a great example of an innovative Irish company selling to leading companies around the world and creating jobs at home in Ireland.

The company’s revenue rose from €88.56 million to €97.9 million in 2012. That same year, pre-tax losses narrowed by 8 per cent from €2.74 million to €2.4 million.