If you are a habitual loser of keys, the LazyLock could be for you. Controlled by Bluetooth and wifi, the lock can be paired to your Android or iOS device, and operated remotely. You don’t even have to remove existing locks; the LazyLock is designed to sit alongside them if you aren’t quite ready to give up the keys. It can be used for those who need to give guests access to their home – the app gives you two security codes, one of which is a guest code that can have access restricted – or who simply don’t want to get up to open the door 10 times a day. LazyLocks are battery powered, which should get you through almost two months of use before a notification tells you it’s time to replace the batteries. It’s a softer entry into making your home keyless. Mind you, if you lose your phone it’s back to the same problem you had with keys. indiegogo.com/projects/ lazylocks
LazyLocks bring keyless entry to your home
Bluetooth and wifi controlled locks you can open with your smartphone