Author David Epstein has delivered a TED-talk quality performance at this morning's Summit. debunking the fabled 10,000-hour maxim that practice is the biggest determinant of success.
In a presentation that strikes a blow against the message of New York Times. Using an analysis of big data in sport Epstein's talk addressed how the world of technology has transformed the sporting arenas.
Meanwhile on the centre stage Stripe co-founder John Collison has said he believes that while most of our spending still happens offline, the move online has begun and society's attitude to online payments is starting to shift.

Also speaking on the centre stage this morning, investor Paul Klein of Index Ventures told the audience that research has found 55 million people on Facebook are interested in entrepreneurship. He said Dublin had the highest percentage of people interested in entrepreneurship in the world, followed by Tel Aviv.
“If you don’t build your dream someone else will hire you to build theirs,” said Klein.
Alistair Michener, part of start-up called Drawcord, travelled from Australia to attend the Summit. He said the Australian government pay for start-ups to go to foreign tech conferences, so his firm had their entire trip subsidised.
He was fresh from talking to investor Tim Moran of Precedo Capital in the US, who has money to spend and is on the hunt for someone willing “to give up everything for their dream”.