Seafood strategy group appointed

The Government has appointed a three-man strategy review group for the seafood sector, while a prominent Cork businesswoman has…

The Government has appointed a three-man strategy review group for the seafood sector, while a prominent Cork businesswoman has also been appointed as new chairwoman of Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM).

The strategy review group, which was promised by Minister for the Marine Noel Dempsey after the row over the Sea Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Bill, is to be led by Noel Cawley, former Irish Dairy Board chief executive.

He will be joined by Joey Murrin, chair of the National Salmon Commission and former Killybegs Fishermen's Organisation chief executive, and Ruan Ó Bric, former chief executive of Údarás na Gaeltachta.

The four main fishing industry organisations, along with the Irish Farmers' Association's aquaculture division, have welcomed the establishment of the review group at a time of severe difficulties in the seafood sector.


Announcing the measure, Minister of State for the Marine John Browne said a number of regional meetings would be held in July in Wexford, Kerry, Galway and Donegal to allow for "wide-ranging participation" from "all interests".

Mr Browne also announced the second round of grants for decommissioning older whitefish vessels and said he was giving grants of up to €50,000 for young skippers as well as aid for energy-efficient gear.

Government policy on monitoring and control was criticised at a Fine Gael marine policy conference last week, when the economic potential of the sector was also highlighted by several speakers, including Friends First chief economist Jim Power.

Art Kavanagh of Allied Irish Banks warned that the Irish regulatory system was threatening onshore jobs in fish processing, due to a "perception" of over-regulation.

Fishery scientists at an international conference in Galway earlier this week also warned that State authorities needed to work in partnership with fishing interests and to embrace the wider socio-economic dimensions of management decisions.

The new chairwoman of BIM is Rose McHugh, currently deputy chief executive of the SWS Group. She was appointed to the board in October 2004.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times