Revenue collects as banks get in line to settle up

AIB Bank

AIB Bank

AIB paid £90.04 million, comprising a DIRT liability of £34.58 million and interest and penalties of £55.46 million. The bank has estimated its own liability at around £35 million, including interest and penalties. But contested internal audit reports suggested a liability of closer to £100 million.


ACCBank has paid £17.9 million to the Revenue Commissioners, having estimated its liabilities at between £1.5 million and £17 million. The settlement comprised a £7.5 million DIRT liability and £10.4 million in interest and penalties.


Ulster Bank

Ulster Bank paid £4.2 million to the Revenue. It estimated the most it would have to pay would be £900,000. The £4.2 million settlement comprised an underlying tax liability of £1.7 million plus £2.5 million in interest and penalties.

Bank of Ireland

Bank of Ireland estimated its total tax bill at £2.8 million, but ended up paying £30.5 million to the Revenue. The settlement comprises an underlying DIRT liability of £12.75 million plus interest and penalties of £17.75 million.

Irish Life & Permanent

IL&P made a settlement payment of £7.5 million made up of DIRT payments of £3.7 million and interest and penalties of £3.8 million.

National Irish Bank

NIB has made a provision of £1 million for any potential liability. It is still in negotiations with the Revenue.