‘My most extravagant purchase was an MCM hand bag for €840’

Me & My Money: Maud Black, co-owner Black’s of Kinsale

Maud Black: “I like to get value for money, but from running a small business, I appreciate you have to pay for quality.”

Are you a saver or a spender?
I'm both. Since starting the business I have come to realise the importance and necessity of healthy cashflow at home. However, I am only human and I do like the occasional splurge.

Do you shop around for better value?
I like to get value for money, but from running a small business, I appreciate you have to pay for quality.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?
I bought an MCM hand bag for €840. I had a voucher for €500 that I got as a birthday present. I love the hand bag and use it every day.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?
I'm going to say my handbag. If I hadn't had the voucher I would not have spent that much money, but I have got so much use out of it and it still looks as good as the day I bought it. It's also reversable, so it's like having two handbags. Value, so!


I'm not materialistic by any means, but the reality is you need money to run a home and to live

 How do you prefer to shop – online or local?
I like to shop local wherever possible. We are fortunate in Kinsale to have some really great shops. My online shopping usually consists of me filling up bags in the evening and then the next morning realising I don't need any of it and emptying them. It's a kind of retail therapy, but kinder on my pocket.

Do you haggle over prices?
I nearly always do. I have no problem asking anyone if that's the best price they can give me. There is almost always wiggle room, and I am happier with my purchase if I can get a reduction.

Has the recession changed your spending habits?
The recession was a reality check. In previous recessions, I was oblivious to the hardship people suffered, as I was too young. For this one, though, I saw friends who lost their job and had to travel to Abu Dabi and Austrialia for work to protect their families and their homes. I have definitely become more aware of the importance of saving, and being more practical with money.

Do you invest in shares?
No, I don't bother with that, I don't have the time or the inclination.

Cash or card?
Almost always card, it is so convenient.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?
I bought tuna and salmon today for dinner – yes, it was good value for money and tasted great, as well.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?
Buying my first car. It was a VW Polo – a great car. I didn't have the full amount saved, but I had a significant sum saved towards it.

Have you ever lost money?
Never a big sum. I've lost wallets in the past and there would have been small sums of money in them. It's losing my ATM and credit card that's the real inconvenience.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win?
I love to throw a few quid on the horses when there is a big event on, like Cheltenham or at the local point-to-point. Alas, I've never won big.

Is money important to you?
Our business is owned and run by myself and Sam, my husband, and I have come to realise the importance of money purely from a practical side. I'm not materialistic by any means, but the reality is you need money to run a home and to live. With regards the business, I've been lucky to have had mentoring from the LEO board in Clonakilty. I have found get value in the accounts side of the mentoring, because the principles of these work the same for any household.

How much money do you have on you now?
None, it's late in the evening and I'm standing in the kitchen wearing leggings and a t-shirt!

in conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea