Orange go-getters are actually green

Meanwhile, there were more mobile shenanigans across the water in Birmingham, where enterprise software giant SAP was hosting…

Meanwhile, there were more mobile shenanigans across the water in Birmingham, where enterprise software giant SAP was hosting its annual British users' conference. In an unusual turnabout, the keynote speaker wasn't SAP British managing director Mr Hans-Peter Klaey - he offered closing remarks instead - but Orange's Mr Kenny Hirschhorn.

The opulently silver-haired Mr Hirschhorn, an ebullient Yank, goes by the Disneyesque job title "group director of strategy, imagineering and futurology". The Margin was interested - in Northern Irish boardroom contexts - to discover that Orange apparently refers to the company's revolutionary, energetic, agents-of-change types as "greens".

Mr Hirschhorn presented a vision of a world in which the mobile, or a phone-like earpiece called The Stud ("after me," he said) would help co-ordinate and "enhance" a person's day. "It's only coincidence that WAP rhymes with crap, he said.