Fox News presenter under pressure as advertising pulled

Bill O’Reilly, accused of sexual harassment, reportedly paid off alleged victims

Bill O’Reilly, presenter of “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, speaking to students from Trinity College’s philosophical society. Photograph: The Irish Times

Fox News’s most-popular host, Bill O’Reilly, is taking what he called a long-scheduled vacation after revelations of financial settlements over alleged sexual harassment.

While New York magazine reported Tuesday that 21st Century Fox chief executive James Murdoch wants him to step down permanently, people familiar with Fox's plans said O'Reilly intends to return to his show The O'Reilly Factor. The people asked not to be identified because the matter is private.

O’Reilly’s holiday until April 24th follows a wave of companies pulling advertisements from his prime-time show, the cable news channel’s biggest.

The media group controlled by Rupert Murdoch has been dealing with the fallout of alleged sexual harassment at Fox News since last summer, leading to the ousting of its former chief executive Roger Ailes.


The claims against O'Reilly, reported in The New York Times, add to pressure on a company that is seeking regulatory approval for its bid for Sky.

“Last fall I booked a trip that should be terrific,” O’Reilly told viewers. “All of us deserve a break.”

Fox News anchors Dana Perino will fill in Wednesday night and Monday through Thursday next week, while Bret Baier will host Thursday's show and Greg Gutfeld will fill O'Reilly's seat Friday this week and next, a person familiar with the situation said.

"Other than the vacation guest hosts, The Factor broadcast will remain unchanged," Mark Fabiani, an attorney representing the host, said by e-mail.

Fabiani said arrangements for the vacation were made in October and the timing coincides with O’Reilly’s children’s spring break.

Fox said in a recent statement that it "investigates all complaints and we have asked the law firm Paul Weiss to continue assisting the company in these serious matters".

The New York Times reported last week that five women received payments from either 21st Century Fox or from O'Reilly in exchange for agreeing not to sue or talk about their allegations that O'Reilly verbally abused them, subjected them to unwanted advances or made lewd comments.

Fox said no employees had raised concerns about O’Reilly and it had been looking into the matter in recent months.

- Bloomberg