Deloitte launches financial services innovation awards

Awards will recognise organisations developing new and transformative processes

At the launch of the awards were members of the judging panel: Ciarán Hancock, Brian Hayes, Julie Sinnamon, David Dalton, Mai Santamaria and Joe Duffy.

Professional services firm Deloitte has launched its first annual Financial Services Innovation Awards. The programme will recognise innovation by financial services companies across the island.

Financial Services Ireland and Banking & Payments Federation Ireland have partnered with Deloitte on the awards, while The Irish Times is the official media partner.

The awards will recognise individuals and companies who are using technology to improve user experiences, and change the way business is done.

Commenting on the awards, David Dalton, head of financial services at Deloitte Ireland, said: "The financial services industry is changing rapidly. New entrants, new technologies, and changing customer expectations are driving financial services companies to evolve how their businesses and processes work.


“As a result, we are seeing some very strong innovations, collaborations and technology applications that are transforming the industry and bringing customer centricity to the forefront of agendas.

“We think those pioneering this innovation in this important industry should be recognised, not only to showcase the strength of the financial services industry in Ireland in the global marketplace, but also to highlight the potential for learning across the industry for the benefit of all.”

In addition to Mr Dalton, judging panel members include Julie Sinnamon, chief executive of Enterprise Ireland; Brian Hayes, head of the Banking & Payments Federation Ireland; Joe Duffy, chair of the Financial Services Ireland executive board; Ciarán Hancock, business editor at The Irish Times; and Mai Santamaria, head of the financial advisory team at the Department of Finance.

Winners will be selected in a number of categories: product or service, operations, customer experience, regtech, social or sustainable entrepreneurship, learning, leadership, and most disruptive fintech. An overall winner from these categories will also be selected.

The closing date for entries is August 16th.