McCann Dublin announces merger with Blue Cube

McCann Blue aims to provide a ‘richer and more immersive’ suite of brand and campaign services

The advertising firm McCann Dublin has announced its merger with the digital agency Blue Cube, to take effect next month.

The newly formed outfit is to be called McCann Blue.

“McCann Blue is not a digital agency. Nor an agency with digital capability. But a creative agency for the here and now,” McCann Dublin said yesterday, as preparations were being finalised for its July 15th merger.

The move will see Orlaith Blaney of McCann Dublin take on the role of chief executive at the merged firm.


Outlining her vision for it, she said: “The Irish market is chock-a-block with both local and network agencies just adding on digital ideas to the end of campaigns or some stand-alone digital shops who don’t get the opportunity to really work on the bigger client strategies.

“We see a real opportunity to transform and change that for our clients by giving them a powerful new agency solution to help them to deliver in a tough economic environment.”

The new agency said it aims to provide a “richer and more immersive” suite of brand and campaign services, each tailored directly to individual client needs.

Blue Box managing director Julian Ingram said the partnership was taking place in a significant era of change in the industry.

“Our new venture is bringing all of the best talent together under one roof to make the experience richer and deeper for our clients and their customers,” he said.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times