One More Thing

AmCham seeks a new boss

Joanne Richardson is stepping down as chief executive of the American Chamber of Commerce in December.

Joanne Richardson is stepping down as chief executive of the American Chamber of Commerce in December.

The chamber, which represents the 700 biggest US multinationals operating in Ireland (and with them the most succulent slice of the economy), emailed its members yesterday to tell them the news.

The effervescent Richardson has been in the role since 2001. She usually hits television screens every July 4th, when the AmCham hosts Dublin’s business glitterati for its Independence Day lunch.

She has shaken the hand of a succession of finance ministers at the annual event since, from McCreevy to Noonan.


I wonder why ministers are always so eager to attend the annual bash of the organisation whose members keep half the country fed and watered? Brian Lenihan even broke away from the bailout negotiations to come along. They must love the pumpkin pie.

“Having grown the organisation to its current position I believe the time is right for a new CEO to lead the chamber in its next phase of growth,” said Richardson.

Clearly, she has a life outside of work. Best of luck to her.