iThink there's a new iPhone on the way this summer from Apple

INBOX: WE CANNOT be absolutely sure, but the indications so far are that Apple will launch a brand new version of its iPhone…

INBOX:WE CANNOT be absolutely sure, but the indications so far are that Apple will launch a brand new version of its iPhone some time in the summer, probably in June.

This week, possibly in anticipation of a new handset, it has announced a new version of the software that runs the iPhone, which will give it many more features than previously.

Only techy developers will get to play with it for now, though. Does that mean I shouldn’t bother giving you a preview or advising you to perhaps wait to buy an iPhone, if you can? I think we know the answer to that.

iPhone 3.0 OS, the next generation operating system for the iPhone and iPod touch, comes with more than 100 new features, new applications and the one thing iPhone users have been screaming for for two years – the ability to cut and paste text.


As well as that, you will also be able to copy and paste photos between applications as well as search across the entire information contained in your device, no matter where it’s buried. Lost the street address of you parents-in-law? It’ll find it, whether you want it or not.

A major change will also be support for 3G tethering. This feature will allow you to connect your iPhone 3G to a laptop, to use it as a modem to access the internet. The stumbling block may be some carriers stopping this, but most will simply charge more for it. It’s also going to be a lot easier to type on the iPhone touch screen as Apple has added the landscape keyboard mode to applications, like Mail, SMS and Notes.

You will also be able to send multimedia messages like images and sounds, something the iPhone has inexplicably prevented so far.

A few other more major improvements will be the ability to send and receive files between iPhones or the iPod Touch.

A new wireless ability to play games between two iPhones which will be pretty amazing is set to ignite even more games for the iPhone.

There is also a hint the new iPhone software will let you control to your accessories like equalize the sound in a loudspeaker.

New “Push notification” means applications will be able to receive messages from the internet, like an instant message application, making your iPhone vibrate or make a sound when a new message comes in, even if the application is not running.

The new OS will also offer an enhanced Applications Store which will mean lots more features in applications.

iPhone OS 3.0 will be a free upgrade to all iPhone users, including the first generation and iPod Touch users will be able to buy it for $9.95.

So at least now you can make your decision about whether to wait for the summer, buy one now or just buy another phone altogether.